Yerevan, Armenia
Population 1,240,000 (UA)
The history of Yerevan dates back to the 8th century BC, with the founding of the fortress of Erebuni in 782 BC by king Argishti I at the western extreme of the Ararat plain. After World War I, Yerevan became the capital of the Democratic Republic of Armenia.
Photo by Levon Vardanyan on Unsplash
Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia and one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities. Situated along the Hrazdan River, Yerevan is the administrative, cultural, and industrial center of the country. It has been the capital since 1918, the thirteenth in the history of Armenia. With the growth of the economy of the country, Yerevan has been undergoing major transformation as many parts of the city have been the recipient of new construction since the early 2000s, and retail outlets such as restaurants, shops and street cafes, which were rare during Soviet times, have multiplied.
Prayer Points
Pray for opportunities to preach the gospel of Kingdom, both to those who are within the church tradition culture and without.
Pray for opportunities to serve the churches and to further encourage the Unity of the Church in Armenia
Pray for the development of the Armenian Missions Movement to reach neighboring Muslim territories.