Santiago, Chile
Population 6,250,000 (UA)
Santiago is the capital of Chile. It was founded by Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Valdivia on 12 February 1541, with the name Santiago de Nueva Extremadura, as a homage to Saint James and Extremadura and in relation with the first name given to Chile, Nueva Extremadura.
Photo by Caio Silva on Unsplash
Chile's steady economic growth has transformed Santiago into modern metropolitan area, with extensive suburban development, dozens of shopping centers, and impressive high-rise architecture. It has a modern transportation infrastructure, including the steadily growing Metro de Santiago, a public bus transport system that is being continually modernized, and a free flow toll-based ring road and inner city highway system. Santiago is the financial, cultural and political center of Chile and home of several regional headquarters to many multinational corporations.
Prayer Points
Pray for YWAM Santiago to be able to influence every sphere of society in this city.
Pray for continued partnership with the local church.
Pray for the various seminars and training schools to make a lasting impact on the city and the world.