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Nuremberg, Germany


Population  541,000 and 3.6 million (UA)


Nuremberg was an early centre of humanism, science, printing, and mechanical invention. The city contributed much to the science of astronomy. Nuremburg being in the center of Germany and its relationship with the Holy Roman Empire made it a strategic city during World War 2. It became famous for the Nuremburg trials. 

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Nuremburg is known for its handmade toys, pocket watches, sausages and gingerbread. Nuremberg is also famous for its Christkindlesmarkt (Christmas market), which draws well over a million shoppers each year. The market is famous for its handmade ornaments and delicacies. Over 40% of the cities population are immigrants. 

Source: Wikipedia

Prayer Points

Pray for more financial support and staff.

Pray for properties that can be purchased for the base in order to house students and see ministries flourish.

Pray for the outreaches into the nearby neighborhood.


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