Lyon, France
Population 1,590,000 (UA)
Fourvière hill was a Roman colony in 43 BC on the site of a Gaulish hill-fort settlement called Lug[o]dunon. Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa recognized that Lugdunum's position on the natural highway from northern to south-eastern France made it a natural communications hub, and he made Lyon the starting point of the principal Roman roads throughout Gaul.
Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash
The city is known for its historical and architectural landmarks and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lyon was historically known as an important area for the production and weaving of silk and in modern times has developed a reputation as the capital of gastronomy in France. It has a significant role in the history of cinema due to Auguste and Louis Lumière, who invented the cinematographe in Lyon. The city is also known for its famous light festival 'Fête des Lumières' which occurs every 8 December and lasts for four days, earning Lyon the title of Capital of Lights.
Prayer Points
Pray for wisdom as YWAM Lyon endeavors to make an impact on every sphere of society.
Pray for concrete means of sharing the gospel on the streets.
Pray for a new generation of artists to rise up and use their gifts to serve God and answer His call.
Pray for long-term staff and for the owning of properties to operate out of.