Johannesburg, South Africa
In 2007 the population of the city of Johannesburg was 4,434,827 and the population of the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Area was 7,151,447. A broader definition of the Johannesburg metropolitan area, including Ekurhuleni, the West Rand, Soweto and Lenasia, has a population of 10,267,700.
The municipal city's land area of 635 sq mi is very large when compared to other cities, resulting in a moderate population density of 6,120 /sq mi
Source: Wikipedia
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash
The Settlement of Johannesburg began when gold was discovered in the Witwatersrand in 1886. The discovery spurred a feverish gold rush as fortune hunters from all over the world descended on the area and blacks from all parts of southern Africa came to work the gold fields. The government of the Transvaal, then a Boer republic, established a city at the site, and within three years it became the largest settlement in South Africa.
By the 1890s, several large mining companies had taken control of the area's gold mines, creating huge fortunes for their owners. Tensions between the mine barons, the English-speaking newcomers to the area, and the Transvaal's Boer government—fed by British colonial aspirations in the region—led to the Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1901. By its end, the Transvaal and the Orange Free State were under British control. At the start of the twentieth century, the population of Johannesburg had reached 100,000. Early in the century, the British colonial government began forcibly relocating blacks from the central city to areas on its outskirts, inaugurating the principle of racial separation that eventually led to the system known as apart-heid. The substandard conditions in which most of the city's black majority lived led to a 1920 strike by 70,000 black mine workers. There was agitation among Johannesburg's white miners as well, culminating in the general strike and "Rand Revolt" of 1922, in which over 200 people died.
The growth of manufacturing in the 1930s and 1940s brought an even greater influx of blacks into the city, especially during World War II (1939–45), when many white workers were serving in the military. The city's black population doubled, with many of the new arrivals crowded into squatters' camps. The beginnings of a black nationalist consciousness that arose during this period led to a white backlash in the 1950s when the conservative National Party came to power and implemented the policy of apartheid, banning all black opposition movements. Beginning in the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of blacks were relocated from Johannesburg to remote "homelands," and their movements were regulated by strict enforcement of pass laws.The milestone event in the black resistance movement that eventually overthrew apartheid and white dominance came on June 16, 1976, when South African police opened fire on a student protest in the black township of Soweto. The shooting sparked a months-long popular uprising that spread to dozens of other cities in South Africa, and unrest continued through the 1980s, with massive violence erupting in Johannesburg's black townships again in 1984. Black militancy, combined with the effects of international sanctions, finally toppled the apartheid system in the early 1990s and led to South Africa's first democratic elections in 1994.With the removal of discriminatory laws, Johannesburg's black townships have slowly been integrated into the city's municipal government, and blacks have moved into formerly white districts in the central city and inner suburbs. The city still faces many challenges, including a serious crime problem and de facto segregation as many whites retreat to the northern suburbs.
Johannesburg is the provincial capital of Gauteng, the wealthiest province in South Africa, having the largest economy of any metropolitan region in Sub-Saharan Africa. The city is one of the 50 largest urban agglomerations in the world, and is also the world's largest city not situated on a river, lake, or coastline.
Johannesburg includes Soweto, which was a separate city from the late 1970s until the 1990s. Originally an acronym for "SOuth-WEstern TOwnships", Soweto originated as a collection of settlements on the outskirts of Johannesburg populated mostly by native African workers in the gold mining industry. Eventually incorporated into Johannesburg, the apartheid government (in power 1948–1994) separated Soweto from the rest of Johannesburg to make it an entirely black-residents area. The area called Lenasia has always been part of the City of Johannesburg. Lenasia is predominantly populated by those of English-speaking Indian ethnicity.
Prayer Points
1/ Johannesburg was birthed from a gold rush and so the city is robust, pioneering and full of territorialism, and these characteristics affect the Church here too. So please pray for an attitude of humility, generosity, and unity.
2/ There are tens of thousands of churches in the greater Johannesburg area but there is very little evidence that we, the Church, have any positive influence on the city. So please pray for repentance of the narrow denominational ambitions that focus on popular messages rather than genuine transformational discipleship.
3/ There is a cynical joke that says, “The best thing about Joburg is the roads leaving the city.” Please pray for the fulfillment of the promises given us from Isaiah 60-62, 20yrs ago when we started, that will not only see YWAM’s presence and influence grow, also that of the other international missionary and ministry organizations, as well as that of the resident local Church.
YWAM Johannesburg Email
Ministries in Johannesburg:
* Joseph's Project: Website , Facebook , Instagram
** Eagle's Nest (Safe House): Facebook
*** Hope for Africa Missions (Church Planting Initiatives): Website