Brasilia, Brazil
Population 4,125,000 (UA)
Juscelino Kubitschek, President of Brazil from 1956 to 1961, ordered the construction of Brasília, fulfilling the promise of the Constitution. Building Brasilia was part of Juscelino's "fifty years of prosperity in five" plan.
Photo by Daniel Costa on Unsplash
The city was planned and developed in 1956 with Lúcio Costa as the principal urban planner, Oscar Niemeyer as the principal architect and Roberto Burle Marx as the landscape designer. Brasilia is in the Unesco's World Hertitage List due to its architecture. On April 22, 1960, it formally became Brazil's national capital. Viewed from above, the main portion of the city resembles an airplane or a butterfly. The city is commonly referred to as Capital Federal, or simply BSB.
Prayer Points
Pray for Christian ministries to be raised up to meet the needs of this city.
Pray for the shaping of workers who have a passion to affect the urban world.
Pray for the lobbying for the indigenous cause.