We at
YWAM City Ministries International
believe that God has called us to the city based on Jeremiah 29:7 " seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord because if it prospers you too will prosper. "
Cities are the new mission field. In the age of Globalisation, Urbanisation and Asianization the peoples of the world are moving to cities. The 10/40 Window is no longer static. Today cities like Stockholm, Berlin, New York, Paris, and London have people from the 10/40 window living in them. Cities like Mumbai, Beijing, Tokyo, Singapore are now not only Asian but attracting a mix of Western and peoples from all over the world. The World is moving to the cities. Missions used to mean crossing the ocean and trailblazing through the jungle but today the cities are attracting the peoples of the world to them.
Joe Parks from Berkeley, CA, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
YWAM City Ministries is not only reaching out to the poor and needy of the cities but to the high and mighty as well. City Ministries is about reaching the entire City with the Gospel. This means employing strategies that reach into every ethnic, linguistic, religious, economic and employment structure of the city. City Ministries is about reaching cities - cities are complex and diverse.
We are endeavoring to build ministries that are as diverse as the city.
Join with us in this exciting ministry!