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Contagem, Brazil


Population  617,741



Contagem was the first industrial district built in Minas. Inaugurated in 1946, by 1950 it was the largest in the state. The Gafanhoto power plant (on the Pará River) was built by the State government in 1952 to provide for the implementation and development of the district.


YWAM Contagem Brazil

Contagem is primarily a city of heavy industry with a diversified industrial complex; even though minerals processing and chemicals still have a large importance. The municipality is responsible for 4.2% of the state GDP, occupying second place after Belo Horizonte.
According to estimates from 2008 the municipal population was 617,741 making it the second most populous city in the state of Minas Gerais, after Belo Horizonte. The population is very young with 86% of the population being less than 50 years old.

source Wikipedia

Prayer Points

Pray for more opportunities to work together with the local church.

Pray for more staff.

Pray for Christian ministries to be raised up to meet the needs of this city.


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